Taking a Leap – introducing our podcast

We all seek happiness while we try to avoid suffering. This is true for everyone. All humans on this planet, but also all other sentient beings. No matter how small, or big. What does this mean for our daily life, in the world of today? How can the notion of taking a leap help us? What are the real questions people deal with on their path? And to what extent can Buddhism be of support, to Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike? Those questions are at the very heart of Taking a Leap. A podcast conducted with members of Nalandabodhi and presented on nalandabodhi.org in written form. You can listen to the introduction of this podcast below or on our SoundCloud.

Nalandabodhi is an international community, founded by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, dedicated to bringing the wisdom and compassion of awakening into today’s world. This podcast is part of this mission. The conversations are currently conducted by Fransiscus Ismaël. Learn more about Taking a Leap and the written conversations here. A deeper introduction by Fransiscus Ismaël and personal contemplation on what it means to take a leap can be found here.

What is at the heart of this podcast is described by Fransiscus in the following manner:

In these conversations I try to figure out why and when people leap into a Buddhist path and the relevance of Buddhist teachings for the world of today. Soon I discovered that Buddhism might make the most sense to me and my fellow-members, but ultimately the path seems to point towards reality itself. The Buddhist path is just one of many we can take towards the truth. To recognize who we really are, and how we can move away from suffering and towards happiness.  In Buddhist terms: leave the world of samsara and cross the river to nirvana.

Curious to read more? Check the latest interviews!

Go beyond words – Taking a Leap with Tracy Tan

How can reading a kungfu book lead to a leap into a Buddhist path and becoming a translator, while working in the world of high-tech business along the way? Tracy Tan shares how ancient wisdom is found in practice, beyond words.

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Express your heart: Taking a Leap with Katiana Rangel

When things fall apart in life, what do you do? How does meditation help us and others, from moment-to-moment? In this podcast Taking a Leap you can listen to the conversation with Katiana about these questions and how expressing our heart can transform our lives and those of others.

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