Lamas, Acharyas and Monastic Fund

Lamas, Acharyas and Monastic Fund

Support for our teachers is a meaningful practice of the Paramita of Generosity. It is a pure expression of the generosity of giving. By supporting the compassionate activities of our teachers, we offer the generosity of fearlessness to sentient beings. And by supporting their continued dharma activities, we offer the generosity of giving the dharma to immeasurable beings. 

This long term fund, created at the request of Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, has been established to support the essential needs of our precious Lamas, Acharyas and Monastic for years to come. All offerings will be held in a restricted fund, and will never be used for any other purpose. Offerings made to the Lamas, Acharyas and Monastic fund are a charitable contribution and tax-deductible under U.S. tax law (you may want to consult your tax advisor if you are outside the U.S.). 

If you would like to make a non-cash offering such as a gift of stock or a bequest, please contact for assistance.  

Make your gift monthly! You can make a sustained and meaningful impact by pledging a monthly donation to help turn the wheel of Nalandabodhi. Monthly donations provide a stable base of support for our Lamas, Acharyas and Monastic. 

May the dharma activities of our precious teachers continue to benefit beings throughout the world. Sarva Mangalam!

Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen
Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen
Lama Rabten Tshering
Lama Rabten Tshering
Lama Zopa, Acharya Lhakpa Tshering, and Lama Tenzin Namdak
Lama Zopa, Acharya Lhakpa Tshering, and Lama Tenzin Namdak
Acharya Tashi Wangchuk
Acharya Tashi Wangchuk

Support our Lamas, Acharyas, and Monastic

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