Graines Bodhi

Graines Bodhi Bodhi Seeds a été fondée par Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoché pour répondre aux nombreux besoins des communautés monastiques et laïques des régions himalayennes de l’Inde, du Népal, du Bhoutan et du Tibet. Bodhi Seeds soutient actuellement des cliniques médicales indispensables à Rumtek, Sikkim et Legon, au Tibet.

le Tso Jey Medical Clinic, established in 2011 by Bodhi Seeds, covers the basic medical needs of children and monastics living in the Rumtek Monastery community. In addition to health care, Bodhi Seeds arranges educational sponsorships for Rumtek children whose families are unable to send them to school. Generous donations currently provide tuition for four young women, who have been sponsored from the third grade into their current first and second years of college.

le Legon Clinic of Legon Monastery, located in a Tibetan area of China, serves the district’s monastics, nomads, and scattered remote villages. Donations fund medications, the salaries of medical doctors and a nurse, and sponsor patients with emergency medical needs.

Graines Bodhi

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